Fallout shelter training wiki
Fallout shelter training wiki

fallout shelter training wiki

Depending on the opposition, this can quickly spell death for exploring settlers who happen upon a location in the wasteland and may find themselves up against multiple deathclaws. The overall damage dealt thus remains the same, but since it is impossible to focus it on individual targets, all hostiles in the room continue to fight at full capacity until they all drop dead at once instead of being taken out of the fight one after the other, thus reducing their threat potential continuously. They hit every target in the room at once, but their listed damage output is split evenly between them instead of being applied to each one in full. Explosive weapons (Fat Man, missile launcher) fare poorly in combat against multiple opponents.Heavy weapons behave in several distinct ways: Dwellers will change position afterwards. Enemies can be reassigned so that all melee dwellers are able to fight (if there are enough enemies) by first clicking on a dweller and then on the enemy. Melee weapons, as well as unarmed combat, can only be used in close combat, thus only one dweller with a melee attack can fight a given enemy at the same time while melee dwellers without an enemy can only look on. Shown on the weapon card or in the inventory screen, weapons can be Common, Rare, or Legendary. Weapon value in caps: The value of the weapon when sold from the inventory screen in caps. Damage: The damage caused by the weapon, which can be a fixed number, e.g. The damage for the weapons shown here are listed as normal for each weapon (no prefixes). 44 does 3-4 damage and is Common, while the hardened variant does 3-6 damage and is Rare. In addition, for Common and Rare weapons, the "Hardened" prefix will raise the Rareness up one tier.

fallout shelter training wiki

These weapons can be equipped by the vault dwellers with focus on protecting themselves during exploration of the wasteland, from feral ghoul, raider, deathclaw, and radscorpion attacks, or radroach and mole rat infestations.Īll weapons found in Fallout Shelter have "Rusty," "Enhanced," "Focused," "Hardened" and other versions which will subtract or add damage to the weapon. There are 139 unlockable weapons that can be found during Fallout Shelter's gameplay.

Fallout shelter training wiki